Wednesday 9 November 2016 Orcs

Completed warband of 15mm Orcs from's "HOT Fantasy" range (Codes HOT91 "Orc Command", HOT4A "Orc Horde" and HOT89 "Orc Boar Riders")

A slightly mixed bunch I think. The "Orc horde" warriors are a bit more finely sculpted but slight. Almost a bit more goblin in fact, but their faces have great pointy features. The larger orc's a bit more blocky (if not crude) in sculpting style but once the base paint and highlight was on what seemed blocky turned into 15mm bulk and muscle - just the job for these guys. Together the two styles manage to work together.

I'm not really a big fan of the bright green skin for Orcs and Goblins in 28mm, but at this scale it really brings the warband to life. Still enjoying finding things out at this scale!

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